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Overwatch 2 Has Been Unveiled at BlizzCon But Whats New?

Earlier today at BlizzCon, Jeff Kaplan announced that Overwatch 2 is coming to consoles & PC in the near future. Overwatch 2 will still focus on the pvp aspects but will introduce four-player story mission and hero missions that take place on maps from Overwatch 1.

Interestingly, Jeff mentioned that Overwatch 1 players will get the new maps and characters from Overwatch 2 in an update. This is to allow Overwatch 1 players and Overwatch 2 players to play the pvp modes together thus preventing the player base from being split. Speaking of pvp, there will also be an additional core mode added to the game(s) called Push. Push revolves around battling for control of a robot that pushes an objective to the opponents’ side of a map.

Overwatch 2 will introduce character leveling and customizable abilities for hero missions which will change the way some heroes are played. Blizzard hasn’t gone into much detail about the game but we will definitely get more info closer to release. Hopefully, we get some much-needed improvements like cross-platform multiplayer and cross-progression. It’s not clear when Overwatch 2 will be released but it’s likely that it could be ready in time for its four year anniversary.